



2015-10-23 09:18:00


  Asia and Middle East Studies (master's two years)

  Astronomy (master's two years)

  Biodiversity and systematics (master's two years)

  Biology (master's two years)

  career:Asia (1-year unit)

  Chemistry (master's two years)

  Comparative and International Education (master's two years)

  Computational Science and Engineering (master's two years)

  Culture, Environment and Sustainability (master's two years)

  Development Geography (master's two years)

  Economics (master's two years)

  European Languages (master's two years)

  European Master in Health Economics and Management (master's two years)

  Gender Studies (master's two years)

  Geosciences (master's two years)

  Health Economics, Policy and Management (master's two years)

  Higher Education (master's two years)

  Ibsen Studies (master's two years)

  Informatics: Design, Use, Interaction (master's two years)

  Informatics: Language and Communication (master's two years)

  Informatics: Nanoelectronics and Robotics (master's two years)

  Informatics: Programming and Networks (master's two years)

  Informatics: Technical and Scientific Applications (master's two years)

  Information and Communication Technology Law (master's 1 1/2-years)

  Innovation and Entrepreneurship (master's two years)

  Intercontextual Theology (master's two years)

  International Community Health (master's two years)

  Linguistics and its Applications for a Multilingual Society (master's two years)

  Maritime Law (master's 1 1/2-years)

  Materials Science and Nanotechnology (master's two years)

  Mathematics (master's two years)

  Media Studies (master's two years)

  Modelling and Data Analysis (master's two years)

  Molecular Biosciences (master's two years)

  Network and System Administration (master's two years)

  North Sea Energy Law (master's - experience based)

  Peace and Conflict Studies (master's two years)

  Philosophy (master's two years)

  Public International Law (master's 1 1/2-years)

  Religious Roots of Europe (master's two years)

  Special Needs Education (master's two years)

  Theory and Practice of Human Rights (master's two years)

  Viking and Medieval Norse Studies (master's two years)

  7. 学术要求:本科毕业且持有学士学位证书(至少学习80学分以上关于媒体和传播学的课程);

想了解更多留学网(www.iliuxue360.cn)的资讯,请访问:   国家优势  |  教育体系  |  专业资讯  |  热门专业  |  中小学留学  |  本科留学  |  研究生留学  |  艺术生留学  |

热门标签: 挪威奥斯陆大学
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