



2016-12-06 16:41:00




  1、Due to explosive development of science and technology, so much is new and complex in our modern society. When it comes to the relationship between the socialization of children and the destiny of society, there are always a host of different opinions held by different individuals in different fields. Admittedly, how children are socialized today determines, to some extent, the destiny of our society, and as a matter of fact, we have already been trying our best to raise children to help bring about a better society. However, the socialization of children is not necessarily the only factor that contributes to better construction of our society.

  2、With the explosive development of science and technology, people tend to spend more time and energy dealing with their present works, in order to better live in the modern society. When it comes to the value of the study of history, there are always a host of different opinions held by different individuals. Does the study of history have value only to the extent that it is relevant to our lives? Admittedly, some people may claim that history is only history itself, which has nothing to do with our daily life nowadays. However, any kind of history is in fact, more or less, relevant to our daily life and can benefit us a lot. Even if those histories that seems of sense to our real life, are literally of considerable significance to human beings.


  1、In sum, even though that how children are socialized to some extent determines the destiny of our society, yet it is not the only factor.

  Literally, we have tried so much energy to socialize our children, and in order to raise children who can help bring about a better society, many other factors, such as healthiness, morality, special skills, etc., should also be taken into account.

  2、 In sum, the explosive development of science and technology has more or less brought about some new challenges and problems that people cannot solve using only knowledge from the history. As a matter of fact, for most individuals, the study of history is to some extent relevant to their daily lives and can help them accomplish their goals more successfully in modern society. Even some history seemingly of no relevance to our daily lives, may actually plays significant roles in the development process of human beings.



  Beyond this concession, however, I cannot totally agree with the statement because it seems to recommend that every student is quite aware of their needs and interests all the time without exception. Consider, for example, a pupil who once wrote in his/her diary that his/her dream is to be an eminent composer like Beethoven, is very likely to find afterward himself/herself really interested in literature but not in music at all. Even celebrities like Pasteur, who was a chemist at the very start, then had extreme interest in microorganism and made more contributions in biology rather than in chemistry. In short, people's interests and needs are not invariable.

  Consequently, if we force our education to trace everyone's satisfaction in a headless way, it will surely fall into confusion. Additionally, consider a naughty boy who claims that his favorite and real dream is playing computer games day and night, can our education be "specifically designed" to meet such "needs and interests"?


  To begin with, competition contributes to the progress in most societies; filled with competition everywhere, the societies develop faster and better.

  Competition makes factories promote manufacturing efficiency; competition gives workers a higher spirit to work; competition accelerates the pace of everyday life. It is through competition that outstanding people come out of a campaign; it is through competition that higher efficiency substitutes the lower one. Competition is demanded and cannot be obviated. In light of this, competition exists and results in progress in almost every aspect and no one could deny the importance of competition, and neither could they afford the disappearance of competition in any aspect.


  However, as a matter of fact, those inharmonies of humanity conditions are only within a small part in the whole world, and the overall condition of humanity has literally improved at the same pace with the development of technology. J ust consider the conditions of disabled individuals, for example, and you will find that, those who have lost one of his/her legs or even both his/her two legs are still able to lead a common individual's life without that difficulty, due to a significant development of medicine technology.

  Also, because of the progress of space technology and computer science, it becomes increasingly convenient for different individuals from all over the world to communicate with each other more directly, deeply and thoughtfully, which to some extent, avoids some mutual cultural misunderstanding and culture conflicts, even wars. Besides, with the improvement of scientific research and medicine, people all over the world are able to strike together with severe illnesses such as SARS and Bird Flu, both of which are new widespread infectious diseases in the first several years of the 20st century. All the above shows considerably better condition of humanity resulted from the development of technology.






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